Amber is a kaupapa Māori focused producer who has been delivering professional theatre since 2009, formerly with SmackBang Theatre Company & currently with Te Rehia Theatre Company and Te Pou Theatre. Through these organisations Amber’s production experience includes co-production of many innovative mainstage shows (, Astroman, SolOthello, Raising The Titanics, Te Reo Māori works (He Tūrū Māu, E Kore A Muri E Hokia, Purapurawhetū) & youth shows (Ruia Te Kakano & the Maui Magic series) to theatres, festivals, communities, marae & schools.
Amber has also facilitated the script development process for a number of playwrights & provided a number of industry development opportunities. Amber is a leader of Te Pou Theatre & is the festival director of Kōanga Festival. Ambers mahi is driven by a strong tikanga based arts practice & focuses on high quality, innovative story-telling that brings Te Ao Māori to the stage & supports the reclamation & revitalisation of te reo Māori.